The general objective of the project
Integrated and innovative approach of 80 children with special educational needs and 750 children at risk of dropping out of school and, respectively, 211 teachers and 268 parents / guardians of children at risk, 10 professionals / volunteers in the field of services and 150 children and young people, respectively 50 parents / guardians, who interact with children and young people in the main target group, in order to increase the degree of social inclusion of children from three development regions (Suceava, Botoșani, Harghita and Tulcea counties) from Romania.
The specific objectives of the project
- Promoting the active participation in the educational process of 80 children with special educational needs, respectively 750 children at risk of dropping out of school, from three development regions (Suceava, Botoșani, Harghita and Tulcea Counties) in Romania, in order to consolidate a system of inclusive education aimed at developing human resources in rural, marginalized or isolated communities throughout the project (36 months.)
- Promoting equitable and inclusive education among 150 children and young people, respectively 50 parents / guardians, who interact with children and young people from the main target group, from three development regions (Suceava, Botoșani, Harghita and Tulcea Counties) in Romania, in order to implement the principle of desegregation, for the entire duration of the project (36 months).
- Development of the necessary skills of 211 members of the education staff, of 268 parents / guardians / guardians and members of the children’s families from the main target groups and of 10 professionals / volunteers from the field of social services, from three development regions (Suceava, Botoșani Counties, Harghita and Tulcea) in Romania, in order to facilitate the access of children in situations of risk to a quality, equitable and inclusive education, in relation to the needs of each, during 36 months.