1.1. Development of specific methodologies for identifying and monitoring children at risk of dropping out of school and those with possible learning and psycho-behavioral difficulties.
Within this activity, the Identification and Monitoring Target Group (TG) Coordinator – PP, the Identification and Monitoring TG Expert – P2 and the Coordinator of Parental Education Activities – P1 will develop a specific methodology for identifying and monitoring children at risk of dropping out of school, taking into account the membership criteria provided in Guide.
- Specific methodology for identifying and monitoring children at risk of school dropout.
- Specific methodology for identifying and monitoring children with possible learning and behavioral disabilities.
- Selection procedure of the main TG and of the teachers, specialists/volunteers TG and the secondary TGs.
1.2. Selection and monitoring in the project of 750 children and young people at risk of dropping out of school and 80 children with possible learning and psycho-behavioral difficulties
Within this activity, the GT-PP Identification and Monitoring Coordinator, the GT-P2 Identification and Monitoring Expert, the Parent Education Activities Coordinator – P1 will make the selection files of each TG member, based on the TG Selection Procedure and will ensure, in accordance with the monitoring procedure, that each member of the TG is guaranteed equal opportunities to participate in the project-specific activities, thus maintaining the TG members in the project, until the completion of the activities dedicated to them.
The selection, during the implementation of the project, of 750 children and young people at risk of dropping out of school and 80 children with possible learning and psycho-behavioral difficulties.
The project aims to select a similar number of children (about 26 children from the main TG / per year / school involved in the project) annually, during the 3 years and does NOT keep the same target group throughout the implementation period.
Both TGs of 750 children and young people at risk of dropping out of school and 80 children with possible learning and psycho-behavioral difficulties will benefit from remedial education after classes, provided by PP and P2 Experts.
The program will be developed and managed by the Coordinator of school-after-school and non-formal education activities – PP and sent to experts from each of the 11 schools involved in the project.
Participants will benefit from subcontracted catering services and supplies. Ensuring a meal a day for children and young people will comply with at least the minimum legal provisions on caloric intake and health benefits. PP will describe in the TG selection methodology, how to provide material support (selection criteria, conditions for maintaining support, etc.), which is conditioned by indicators of participation and school performance.
The TG Identification and Monitoring Coordinator – PP will annually assess the impact that remedial education has had on TG, calculating: the percentage of children or young people who have improved their school participation; transition rate in lower secondary education (ISCED 2) in supported schools; transition rate in upper secondary education (9th grade) (ISCED 3) in supported schools.
- Number of children or young people who have improved their school attendance by at least 10%: 415 (50%)
- Lower secondary education transition rate (ISCED 2) in supported schools: 90%
- Transition rate in upper secondary education (ninth grade) (ISCED 3) in supported schools: 60%
- Number of counties in which support services were provided to children or young people at risk of early school leaving: 4
3.1. Environmental education and nature orientation, for 830 children at risk.
In this activity, Experts from the 11 project participating schools will involve TG to participate in activities aimed at developing of various skills and abilities: socio-emotional, leisure related, regarding self-knowledge, the need to participate, to explore, to discover, to help, the concern for others and for oneself, the need to actively contribute to changes in the local, national or international community.
- Number of children or young people with special educational needs (SEN) receiving support services: 80
- Number of children or young people at risk of dropping out of school receiving support services : 750
- Number of children aged 3-15 years and young people aged 15-24 who are not in the above-mentioned risk situations, but who interact with children and young people in the main target group (study in the same school, attend the same type of service, live in the same community) : 150
3.2. Organizing sports activities, teamwork and developing a sense of camaraderie for 830 children at risk of dropping out of school and children with possible learning and psycho-behavioral difficulties in order to develop socio-emotional and leisure skills. |
In this activity, the P2 Coordinator, 7 PP specialists and 4 P2 specialists will involve TGs (primary and secondary) from the 11 participating schools to carry out sports activities, outdoor movement, teamwork in order to enforce camaraderie.
- Number of children or young people with special educational needs (SEN) receiving support services: 80
- Number of children or young people at risk of dropping out of school receiving support services : 750
- Number of children aged 3-15 years and young people aged 15-24 who are not in the above-mentioned risk situations, but who interact with children and young people in the main target group (study in the same school, attend the same type of service, live in the same community) : 150
3.3. Organizing creative activities: painting, dance, theater, photography, graphic design, music, pottery, weaving, origami, ikebana, fretwork, science lab, etc. to increase self-esteem. |
In this activity, the P2 Coordinator, 7 PP specialists and 4 P2 specialists will involve TGs (primary and secondary) from the 11 participating schools to carry out creative activities.
- Number of children or young people with special educational needs (SEN) receiving support services: 80
- Number of children or young people at risk of dropping out of school receiving support services : 750
- Number of children aged 3-15 years and young people aged 15-24 who are not in the above-mentioned risk situations, but who interact with children and young people in the main target group (study in the same school, attend the same type of service, live in the same community) : 150
3.4. Providing anti-discrimination education, active citizenship and promoting successful role models for 830 children and young people at risk of dropping out of school and/or learning and psycho-behavioral difficulties and 150 children and young people interacting with children in the main target group. |
In this activity, the P2 Coordinator, 7 PP specialists and 4 P2 specialists will involve TGs (primary and secondary) from the 11 participating schools to carry out activities regarding anti-discrimination education, active citizenship and promotion of successful models. Children in primary and secondary TG will be taught how to actively participate in a consultation process and express their opinion. This type of training will be useful to them, not only in the project, but also later, including in adult life, as part of taking active citizenship. |
- Number of children or young people with special educational needs (SEN) receiving support services: 80
- Number of children or young people at risk of dropping out of school receiving support services : 750
- Number of children aged 3-15 years and young people aged 15-24 who are not in the above-mentioned risk situations, but who interact with children and young people in the main target group (study in the same school, attend the same type of service, live in the same community) : 150
3.5. Providing health, hygiene and nutrition education for 830 children and young people at risk of dropping out of school and/or with possible learning and psycho-behavioral difficulties. |
In this activity, the P2 Coordinator and Health Education Experts (PP and P2) will involve TGs (primary and secondary) from the 11 participating schools to carry out health, hygiene and nutrition education activities.
- Number of children or young people with special educational needs (SEN) receiving support services: 80
- Number of children or young people at risk of dropping out of school receiving support services : 750
- Number of children aged 3-15 years and young people aged 15-24 who are not in the above-mentioned risk situations, but who interact with children and young people in the main target group (study in the same school, attend the same type of service, live in the same community) : 150
In this activity, the P2 Coordinator and the Parent Education Activities Coordinator – P1, based on the TG Selection Procedure, will select 80 children with SEN and / or disabilities and 24 of their parents to receive subcontracted care services, assistance and support / rehabilitation, including counseling for parents, medical recovery, physical therapy, speech therapy, counseling / psychological therapy and alternative therapies. The project aims to select a similar number of children (about 27 children from the main TG / per year / school involved in the project).
- Number of children or young people with special educational needs (SEN) receiving support services: 80
- Number of counties in which educational or social services were provided to children or young people with SEN: 4 counties (Suceava, Tulcea, Botoșani, Harghita)
- Number of parents of children or young people with SEN receiving support: 24 parents/ tutors.
5.1. Organizing skills training courses in the field of inclusive education and SEN / disability issues. |
Within this activity, the PP Coordinator and the P2 Coordinator will involve teachers’ TG in attending training courses in the field of inclusive education and SEN / disability issues. Participants will be selected based on the TG Selection Procedure.
PP and P2 will outsource these courses to a number of 211 teachers. The course will take place over 3 days and will have a unit cost of 300 lei / person. The course aims to develop skills in the field of inclusive education and SEN / disability issues, in order to ensure an inclusive education for primary TG and for children and young people who will attend the schools after the end of the project.
- Number of teachers trained in working with children and young people at risk of dropping out of school: 211 teachers
- Number of teachers trained in working with children and young people with SEN: 211 teachers
5.2. Organizing a postgraduate course for the training of competencies in the field of inclusive education and on the SEN / disabilities issues. |
In this activity, the P2 Coordinator will involve teachers and professionals / volunteers from the field of social services TGs (working in various forms of education in which children at risk of dropping out of school and / or SEN can be found) in attending a postgraduate course for training of competences in the field of inclusive education and SEN/ disability issues, organized by PP.
The person responsible for didactic competence development – PP will elaborate and authorize the necessary documentation for the course approval and the 4 Experts for the postgraduate course development – PP will support the disciplines within the course. Their activity will be monitored by the responsible for didactic competence development- PP.
- Number of teachers trained in working with children and young people at risk of early school leaving: 30 teachers / professionals / volunteers in the field of social services involved in various forms of education in which children at risk of school dropout and / or SEN.
- Number of teachers trained in working with children and young people with SEN: 30 teachers / professionals / volunteers in the field of social services involved in various forms of education in which children at risk of school dropout and / or SEN.
5.3. Providing parental education programs for 268 parents / tutors of children at risk of school dropout and / or SEN in TG. |
Within this activity, the TG Coordinator PP and the Parent Education Activities Coordinator – P1 will involve TG parents of children or young people at risk of early school leaving, for 3 years, in attending the parental education program. The 12 PP Parent Education Experts and the 9 P1 Parent Education Experts will organize a course / counseling for 3 months, with about 3 major topics of interest, chosen together with the children from TG and their parents. They will work with small groups of parents from each school involved in the project.
- Number of parents of children or young people at risk of early school dropout receiving support: 244 parents / tutors
- Number of parents of children or young people with SEN receiving support: 24 parents / tutors
6.1. Organizing the information campaign on the role of parents / tutors in the child’s education for 268 parents / tutors of children (including with SEN and / or disabilities) from TG and 50 parents / tutors from the category of other secondary target groups. |
Within this activity, the PP Information and Publicity Manager, together with the Website Coordinator and the Parent Education Activities Coordinator – P1 will inform the 11 communities in the project, in extended meetings (TGs – children, parents from primary and secondary groups, teachers, professionals), on the role of parents / tutors in child education and the opportunity to use the Platform – as a handy, inexpensive and personalized support tool, in order to provide support in combating and preventing early school dropout, promoting good practice models in working with children with disabilities / SEN and the promotion of inclusive education.
There will be at least one activity each year, in each community in the project and in about 20 neighboring localities.
- Number of parents of children or young people at risk of early school leaving receiving support: 244 parents/ tutors
- Information campaign on the role of parents / guardians in child education for 268 parents / tutors of children from TG (also with SEN and / or disabilities) and 50 parents / tutors from the category of other secondary target groups: 1 campaign 50 parents / tutors from the category of other secondary target groups..
6.2. Organizing information and awareness actions on topics related to gender equality and promoting inclusive education (meetings, brochures of various types, videos) for main TGs, parents and children secondary groups. |
Within this activity, the Partner Coordinators P1 and P2, the Parent Education Activities Coordinator – P1, the website and information campaign coordinator and the 2 PP and P2 Anti-Discrimination Education Provision Experts, as well the PP Information and Advertising Expert, will elaborate materials and carry out information and awareness actions on topics related to gender equality and promotion of inclusive education (meetings, brochures of various types, videos) for main TGs, TG parents, parents and children secondary groups. These activities aim to create cohesion and social harmony in the 11 communities targeted by the project. There will be at least one session per year, in each community, for 3 years (during the whole project).
The coordinator of the impact study and promotion of good practice models – PP will measure the impact that information and awareness actions on issues related to gender equality and opportunities and the promotion of inclusive education have produced in the mentioned communities, in relation to the main TGs.
- Information and awareness-raising on gender equality and promotion of inclusive education (meetings, brochures of various types, videos) for main TGs, parents TG, parents and children secondary groups: 10%
In order to highlight the role of the Norwegian Grants 2014-2021 and to ensure the transparency of financial assistance, PP and partners will provide public information regarding project implementation on the widest possible scale: regionally and / or locally, to all stakeholders. In this regard, the PP will implement the Communication and Promotion Plan of the project, developed by the responsible for Information and Publicity of the PP, making any changes necessary for the PO to approve the final form, together with the funding application (Annex 3 of funding application form).
During the mentioned information events, the organizers will make known and visible the support of the Norwegian Grants and will use their specific logo, respecting the requirements provided in the Communication and Design Manual for the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021.
- The communication and promotion plan of the project approved by the PO: 1
- Project opening / launch conference: 1
- Project opening press releases: 3
- Intermediate press conference: 1
- Interim press releases: 3
- Project website development: 1
- Launch and weekly maintenance of a Social Media page: 1
- Closing Conference: 1
- Project closing press releases: 3
- Roll-ups that will comply with the provisions of the Communication and Design Manual for EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021: 6
- Banner containing project title, info for the Local Development Programme, the support received through the Norwegian Grants and their specific logo, in agreement with the Communication and Design Manual for the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021: 3
Three partners /non-profit organizations providing education, training and counseling service to the categories of target groups concerned, are directly involved in the elaboration, implementation and financial management of the project.
Sub-activities within the Project Management Activity:
8.1. Project team organization (management and implementation)
8.2. Development of management and implementation procedures
8.3.Risk management
8.4. Organizing public procurement procedures
8.5.Organization of monitoring and reporting
8.6. Financial management and settlement of indirect expenses
8.7. Financial audit